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CLASlite Success Story Certificate
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  • After review, you may be eligible for a CLASlite Success Story Certificate and we may also post them on this page.

29 April 2020

Emil Cherrington

I took the original CLASlite course in December 2013, and was really pleased with how thorough and well thought out it was. We used CLASlite for the rapid generation of forest cover maps, and in 2018, we used CLASlite to generate change maps focused on mangroves in Belize. We recently published our study.

Cherrington et al. (2020) Remote sensing of environment 245: 111798

Spanish: Tomé el curso original de CLASlite en diciembre 2013, y me gusto que era muy comprensiva y bien pensado. Usábamos CLASlite para generación de mapas de cobertura forestal para Belize, y en el 2018, usamos CLASlite para generar mapas de cambios de la cobertura de mangles. Acabamos de publicar un articulo.

29 April 2020

Mohammad Redowan

I completed the training on CLASlite nearly 2 years ago and published 2 articles on monitoring deforestation and degradation using this software.

Redowan et al. (2020) Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 14: 024505

Redowan et al. (2019) Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 13: 046518

23 April 2020

Guillermo Saenz

Spanish: Soy estudiante de medicina veterinaria y gracias a este curso puedo observar mejor cómo las diferentes variables influyen en el comportamiento de los animales salvajes de la zona. 

English: I am a student of veterinary medicine and thanks to this course I can see better how different variables influence the behavior of wild animals in the area.

17 April 2020

Victor-Gallo Ramos

I worked as teacher assistant of the subjects: Hydrology, Geographic Information System, Basins management  and Research since 2017 to 2019 at Federico Villarreal National University of Lima, Peru. In this way, I was looking for a software that is robust enough for forest cover analysis because I was working on my research for my bachelor degree. It was about understanding the influence of the forest cover on water regulation in a Yuracyacu watershed of Peruvian Amazon and for that, it was very important to evaluate the forest cover. 

So, I enrolled in the Carnegie Landsat Analisys System Lite or CLASlite course in Abril 2017 on the Lagunita platform. In the course I saw that CLASlite is a friendly tool to monitor tropical forest cover using Earth Observation satellite data. It's easy to use and much better in comparison to conventional algorithms.

After passing the course, I got a trial license for 3 months, so I were able to evaluate forest tropical cover and deforestation. CLASlite works with algorithms that can penetrate the canopy and obtain results such as Maps of: Fractional cover, forest and no forest, forest change detection, deforestation and degradation.

One of the advantages of CLASlite is that any person can use CLASlite for forest monitoring through the training, and it no longer requires huge investment in computers or expertise.

I hope that CLASlite will become a central software to undergraduate or graduate students of Peru and at the same time, they will become new CLASlite users too. I think that in this way, it is possible to contribute to scientific knowledge of the Peruvian Amazon basins.

15 April 2020

Guillermo Quevedo

Spanish: El monitoreo es una importante herramienta que nos ayuda a conocer el planeta. Podemos analizar algunos cambios que están ocurriendo actualmente, como por ejemplo la deforestación o la fragmentación de los hábitats. Como graduado en biología pienso que estos cursos ayudan a mostrar al público la necesidad de conocer CLASlite. La función del curso es muy necesaria en base a la gestión, restauración y conservación de la naturaleza.

English: Monitoring is an important tool that helps us get to know the planet. We can analyze some changes that are currently occurring, such as deforestation or fragmentation of habitats. As a graduate in biology I think that these courses help to show the public the need to know CLASlite. The function of the course is very necessary based on the management, restoration and conservation of nature.

12 March 2020

Anthony C. LoBaido

I have found the course to be transformational in so many ways. First for someone like me, who has worked in 53 countries, and is also a tech enthusiast (working as a creative writer in AI for Bixby with Samsung, Google Advanced Technology and Projects Lab) and is also an eco-warrior-nature lover, I found the software to be interesting and useful. I have a much better handle on how forests should be analyzed. Data is the new petroleum after all. Consider how Lyft and Uber have disrupted the taxi industry, which existed unchanged for almost 100 years. The more data you have, the better informed you will be with your decisions. 

I lived in the Yucatan for three years. More specifically, I lived in Belize and worked on forestry and other projects there. I visited the Mayan ruins in Tulum. I am better able to investigate salient environmental issues because of your wonderful course. I am able to evaluate deforestation and greenhouse gasses. Thanks to CLASlite we can penetrate the canopy. Reflectance results. Fractional cover. Forest changes in cover. These are some of the basic concepts. I also enjoyed the questions put forth at the end of the course.

As of September 2016

More than 2630 governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations (non-commercial), and academic or research institutions in 134 countries have signed up for the CLASlite course.